Can we improve predictions of upper limb recovery after stroke with brain imaging?
This study will look at how well a patient can use their arm after stroke, and at their brain images recorded within 72-hours after stroke.
Can more intensive physiotherapy help stroke survivors who have arm and hand weakness?
Stroke survivors often have problems with moving their arms and hands after stroke. This project will investigate whether a more intensive physical rehabilitation programme can improve arm and hand movement, which could ultimately lead to changes in treatment guidelines for stroke.
Developing new technologies for stroke treatment
Our charity collaborated with SBRI Healthcare and the AHSN Network to fund innovations in technologies to improve diagnosis and rehabilitation of stroke.
Can early, high repetition arm training make the unaffected side of the brain form new connections after stroke?
This study will test arm training to encourage a functionally useful contribution to recovery from the side of the brain unaffected by stroke (the 'non-stroke hemisphere'), and whether this is only possible early after stroke.
Supporting future stroke research leaders – Adrienne Cormican
Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowships are for healthcare professionals in England to develop an application for a doctoral level (e.g. PhD) training Fellowship, and to develop the skills they need to be a competitive applicant for this type of funding. This award has been made to Adrienne Cormican.